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莫宏伟  尹寿兵  刘云霞 《热带地理》2022,42(11):1918-1930
在区分地方饮食与传统饮食概念的基础上,选择宏村传统饮食臭鳜鱼作为研究对象,通过对就餐环境、服务、食物3个原真性维度和满意度与行为意向2个维度,构建Amos结构方程模型,探究游客对传统饮食文化的原真性感知及其对旅游地就餐满意度和行为意向的影响。结果显示,3个维度的原真性均对满意度呈显著、直接、正向影响,对行为意向呈显著、间接、正向影响;其中,环境原真性对就餐满意度影响最大,其次为服务原真性,最后为食物原真性。研究认为,即使体验对象是与原真性关联紧密的传统饮食,大众游客仍更关注整体就餐环境和服务氛围,食物本身对满意度的影响最低。游客需求引发传统饮食文化舞台化重塑,并呈现“去传统化”与“去地方化”特征,旅游地饮食文化塑造对环境的关注大于食物,但当地居民更加关注食物本身的口味,主客关注差异和食物生产过程的游客需求导向引发当地居民对舞台化饮食的认同度降低。未来旅游地要充分考虑传统饮食的特殊性,重塑让游客与本地居民更加满意的饮食文化。  相似文献   
粮食作为自然生态系统与社会经济系统的关联点,能够有效地揭示极端干旱事件对自然-经济-社会复合生态系统影响的过程和机理。以粮价异动为切入点,通过粮价通胀指数和“无透雨”的持续时间,分析农业旱情及其对粮食生产的影响,对1637—1643年华北地区极端干旱事件中的粮食安全进行深入剖析。结果显示:华北地区无透雨天数超过150 d,年降水量与5—9月降水量的距平值均≤-30%,水分异常短缺,土壤严重失墒,危及粮食生产安全。因此,降水量距平值≤-30%是华北地区粮食生产安全的临界阈值。此次极端干旱事件是历史同类事件之最,连续无透雨日数最长,地表径流枯竭记录最多,水资源的短缺导致伴生灾害相继发生,超过生态系统的忍耐极限,粮食生长期缩短,减产歉收,绝产绝收,粮食供给链条断裂。粮价通胀指数最低9.50,最高26.70;货币发行与粮食供给失衡,通货膨胀严重,粮价飞涨,市场倒闭,粮食安全体系崩塌,自然-经济-社会复合生态系统发生质变成为历史必然。  相似文献   
Food resources play a great role in human livelihood, so it is meaningful to investigate their utilization and structural evolution, especially in developing countries. This study takes data from FAOSTAT and the World Bank, and applies the emergy method to analyze Uzbek food consumption changes and characteristics from 1992 to 2019. Two main results were obtained: (1) National food consumption showed a persistent increase and had a remarkable change in stages, with the first stage of low-level repetition, the second stage of speeding up and the third stage of high development. The increase of animal-based food consumption was more notable than that of plant-based food consumption. (2) Per capita annual food consumption had a tendency of change that was similar to that of national food consumption. The proportion of animal-based food in the total per capita annual food consumption usually remained about 2-fold higher than that of plant-based food consumption. The main food consumption pattern was the combination of crops such as wheat and rice with meat such as beef. The fruit and vegetable consumption also increased. With the growing population, various changes in food demand will inevitably happen, so it is necessary to take sustainable measures in time to satisfy the new demand and to protect resources and the environment.  相似文献   
全球硫资源特征及国内硫资源供需现状表明,国内硫资源贫乏,硫资源生产与消费逐年增加,尤其磷肥生产对硫资源的需求越来越迫切,预计到2020~2025年磷肥用硫量将达到峰值1620万t左右,不包括出口磷肥耗硫量。因此,加强硫资源的综合利用、加大硫铁矿找矿及矿山设计是非常有必要的。  相似文献   
Introduction The shifting cultivation system is one of the most important agricultural systems in Luang Prabang and Oudomxay provinces, where many production systems are found in the uplands. The factors, determining the systems, include ethnicity,Journal…  相似文献   
Himalayan mountain system is distinguished globally for a rich biodiversity and for its role in regulating the climate of the South Asia.Traditional crop-livestock mixed farming in the Himalaya is highly dependent on forests for fodder and manure prepared from forest leaf litter and livestock excreta. Apart from sustaining farm production, forests provide a variety of other tangible and intangible benefits, which are critical for sustainable livelihood of not only 115 million mountain people, but also many more people living in the adjoining plains. Extension of agricultural landuse coupled with replacement of traditional staple food crops by cash crops and of multipurpose agroforestry trees by fruit trees are widespread changes. Cultivation of Fagopyrum esculentum,Fagopyrum tataricum, Panicum miliaceum, Setaria italica and Pisum arvense has been almost abandoned. Increasing stress on cash crops is driven by a socio-cultural change from subsistence to market economy facilitated by improvement in accessibility and supply of staple food grains at subsidized price by the government. Farmers have gained substantial economic benefits from cash crops. However, loss of agrobiodiversity implies more risks to local livelihood in the events of downfall in market price/demand of cash crops, termination of supply of staple food grains at subsidized price, pest outbreaks in a cash crop dominated homogeneous landscape and abnormal climate years. Indigenous innovations enabling improvement in farm economy by conserving and/enhancing agrobiodiversity do exist, but are highly localized. The changes in agrobiodiversity are such that soil loss and run-off from the croplands have dramatically increased together with increase in local pressure on forests. As farm productivity is maintained with forest-based inputs, continued depletion of forest resources will result in poor economic returns from agriculture to local people,apart from loss of global benefits from Himalayan forests. Interventions including improvement in traditional manure and management of on-farm trees,participatory development of agroforestry in degraded forest lands and policies favoring economic benefits to local people from non-timber forest products could reduce the risks of decline in agricultural biodiversity and associated threats to livelihoods and Himalayan ecosystems.  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTIONTherateoffoodconsumptionoffishfedadlibitumisregardedasthemaximumrateoffoodconsumption(Cmax) (Woottonetal.,1 980 ) .SeveralfactorsthatinfluenceCmaxincludingbodyweight (Liuetal.,1 998) ,watertemperature (Liuetal.,1 998) ,dis solvedoxygen (Vivekanandan ,1 977) ,salinity (ZanuyandCarrillo ,1 985 ) ,andphotoperiod (Grossetal.,1 965 ) ,werereported .Bodysizeandwatertemperaturewereregardedastwoofthemostimportantfactors,andhadreceivedmostattention (Elliott,1 979;Woottonetal.,1 …  相似文献   
青藏高原"一江两河"农区居民食物消费结构与特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
居民食物消费受自然地理环境、城镇化等因素影响,同时通过市场机制影响区域粮食安全和农牧业发展。以西藏“一江两河”地区为例,基于分层抽样,通过2019年实地入户调研,获取了262户农村居民上年度食物消费数据,对青藏高原农区居民的食物消费结构及其影响因素进行分析。结果表明:① 样本内居民的植物性食物的消费量是动物性食物的3.19倍,植物性食物以蔬菜和粮食为主,动物性食物以肉类和牛奶为主;青稞及青稞酒在藏民饮食中占有重要地位。② 居民食物消费规模和结构与食物自给率指标密切相关,自给自足特征显著。③ 不同地区、家庭规模、务工规模、收入水平以及家庭年龄之间,居民的家庭食物消费结构均有所差异,且不同家庭之间面粉和水果的消费差异最显著。④ 区域差异、家庭规模类型和家庭务工规模是影响样本农区居民食物消费综合差异的主要因素。结果可为青藏高原地区居民食物消费结构改善、膳食营养提升以及农牧业转型发展提供科学基础和决策借鉴。  相似文献   
气候变化和人类活动影响下的旱区水-粮食-生态关联机制,是人地耦合系统研究的前沿科学问题之一,为全面保障以水安全为纽带的旱区生态安全和粮食安全提供科学支撑。本研究通过梳理水-粮食-生态关联研究前沿,凝练得到四方面认识:① 在时空特征判别中,旱区土地利用是普遍涉及的水-粮食-生态关联载体;② 在驱动机制分析中,生态系统服务权衡协同关系得到关注,但研究多止步于统计描述;③ 在模型使用中,社会水文系统模型是重要研发对象,生命周期模型和生态系统服务流模型也得以使用;④ 在决策支持中,基于水-粮食-生态关联视角并适用于本地旱区的国土空间规划、资源用途管制、资源使用增效途径仍处探索阶段。在未来研究中,有必要深化旱区生态水文过程对农业生产的影响与响应、旱区生态系统服务权衡及其对人类福祉的影响、旱区水生态安全格局优化下的国土空间开发与保护等研究议题,从而架构水-粮食-生态关联研究从科学到决策的桥梁。  相似文献   
朱邦耀  吴媛媛 《地理科学》2021,41(12):2179-2185
以中国四大知名地方小吃门店兴趣点(POI)大数据为主要数据源,基于密度、距离与加权平均中心方法分析地方小吃空间集聚与扩散格局,采用空间自相关、聚类和异常值分析以及热点分析方法研究地方小吃空间集聚关联特征以及空间扩散模式。结果表明:① 地方小吃在不同尺度上的空间扩散格局存在显著差异,东部地区和中西部省会城市是地方小吃的主要集聚地;② 地方小吃的空间集聚表现出自相关特征,邻域扩散、等级扩散和跳跃式扩散等扩散模式相互融合;③ 地方小吃空间扩散的冷热点集聚区分异明显,反映出不同小吃认可群体范围的差异以及中国各地饮食习惯的空间分异;④ 饮食文化扩散与人口迁移扩散具有空间重合性,经济发展水平较高、人口净流入地区对不同饮食文化的包容性较强。  相似文献   
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